
Last Modified: Sep 1, 2024

I often find myself teaching performance skills, and thinking really hard about how to break down concepts into comprehensible parts. The biggest influence on my teaching style is growing up Autistic/Learning Disabled and struggling in nearly every class, until I reached A-Level, and a bigger proportion of the teaching was self-directed.

It's weird to think of myself as Learning Disabled, when comparatively, I am a high achiever. However, the efforts I have to go to to achieve the same level of competency as my peers, in such a wide variety of topics, and the way that this persists even as an adult, has gradually lead me to start describing myself as Learning Disabled. Not only this, but due to privilege, I had private tutors who also helped support my learning at GCSE.

I think this disability gives me a great advantage as a teacher, however, because I have a detailed knowledge about all the different ways that people can misunderstand instructions, or information.